The third stage of labor or stage three of labor is when your uterus starts to contract to push out the placenta after 5 to 15 minutes of the birth of your baby, which helps you to bond with your newborn child. After you deliver your baby, your uterus will give signals by small contractions, meaning that the placenta is separating from the uterine wall and that it is ready to deliver. A midwife will pull on the umbilical cord to help you deliver the placenta, and may ask you to cooperate with her by pushing gently.
How It Is after Your Childbirth
After your childbirth, your doctor will monitor for the next few hours that your bleeding is not excessive and that the uterus keeps contracting. Some babies are eager to breastfeed right after their birth. If your baby shows such kind of interest, you are a very lucky one, since breastfeeding immediately after the birth of babies, decreases the amount of bleeding and helps their uteri to contract. In case you tore or if you had an episiotomy, your doctor will give you local anesthesia through injection before he or she stitches up in rows of stitches holding together the edges of your wound or surgical incision.
Letting your baby feel your nipples, and keeping him/her in skin-to-skin contact while you keep looking at the baby with your partner by your side, will be very helpful for you at this time. If you had an epidural, a nurse anesthetist will take the catheter from your lower back without hurting you that will take only a second.
Vitamin K for Your Baby
After discussing with you, with your consent, your doctor will offer you an injection of vitamin K for your baby, which is the most effective way of helping to prevent a bleeding disorder known as a hemorrhagic disease in the newborn. Oral doses in 3 stages over a 4-week period are an alternative to the injection for this vitamin, which you can choose if you prefer. Whether you are going through maternità surrogata or surrogate parenthood you might have a pure contract to your clinic for every stage of labor.
More about Stitches and Washing
You may experience small tears or grazes. Grazes are scrapes on the skin of a particular part of the body, such as on or around your vagina in this case to break the surface, which cause little or no bleeding. Your doctor may want to leave them without stitches to heal naturally since they often heal better following this method. When it is time for you to go home or to the postnatal area, a maternity support worker will help you to wash and freshen up before you leave the labor ward.
Going Back to Your Home
You may need to stay a day or a couple of days in the hospital after you give birth, though you can go back home within 6 hours if you have an entirely uncomplicated vaginal birth with a healthy baby. But if you have a c-section, you should take mental preparation to stay in the hospital for up to four days or so.
To speed up the delivery of the placenta, the doctor may offer an injection into your thigh after you deliver your baby. The injection contains a drug named Syntocinon, which is a synthetic version of the hormone oxytocin, and which makes the womb contract and helps to prevent huge bleeding that the specialists call postpartum hemorrhage, a kind of labor complication.
Your doctor will take your blood pressure and pulse and check to become sure of your need for any stitches, and will also feel your uterus to become sure your uterus is well contracted. He/she may apply massage to your uterus to create pressure to deliver your placenta, after the delivery of which you will experience, as an ordinary symptom, shivering and shaking.