ms craigslist is a website that allows people to post ads and find job listings, housing, and other classified ads. Craigslist is a great place to buy or sell just about anything, and with over 3500 cities worldwide, there are plenty of people looking for what you have to sell. Although craigslist is a great tool, there are a few things you have to keep in mind to reduce the risk of scams. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some tips that you can use to stay safe on craigslist.
We’re big craigslist fans here at reddit. Many people needlessly avoid using the site, but perhaps they should considering all the good things you can find on there. People post all sorts of things on there. People post cars, people post clothing, people post furniture, people post bicycles(for free), people post computers, people post woodworking projects, people post televisions, people post art, people post home electronics, people post animals, people post EVERYTHING! So, I landed up creating a tool to help schedule craigslist searches so that you can save time.